Thursday, August 30, 2012

Who am I to judge?

So this is it. I'm here sitting in my new room in the apartments just outside of town. The flight went pretty smooth- I gave up my aisle seat for a guy who was complaining about his back and felt honoured however miserable I was stuck in the middle with a kid kicking my seat behind me, to bless him in some small way.
I'm not really sure what to think to be honest. The Castle isn't as clean or big or high tech as I was expecting and the girls seem cool but I don't know if I really click with any of them yet. Also we only have 2 showers (however they are not really showers- more like shower hoses in a bathtub) for the whole apartment building which houses like 30 girls. My room is smaller (there is only four of us) but I love it because there is a side room with sofa's and big windows  that I am sitting in this very moment. We have a washing machine but no dryer (which works out ok for me since I hang dry most of my stuff anyways) but only  one sink per bathroom.
Also did I mention the walk to school takes 20min every day? Hmmm..I really wanted to live in the castle but I've been told that living out in the community is so much better, and not as rigid with rules/guidelines.
I don't want to judge this experience or DTS before it even starts based on the fact that the buildings look old and I don't have the everyday comforts  I had at home. I don't want to enter it feeling disappointed; I want to look at it as an opportunity for me to be stretched to rely on God in every way possible. I have faith that the minor challenges/sacrifices I need to go through will not compare to the good that will come out of this.
I've got my worries, I've got my fears, but maybe that's a good thing. You know why? Because they send me running to Him.  
So Lord my prayer is this: Please let the knowledge of your love for me rid me of my selfish expectations, my anxious worries, and doubtful fears. Show your grace and control in my life so brightly in this time, helping me become more trusting that you do what you say you do and are who you say you are.


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