Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where you lead I'll go!

The Countdown begins! Only 22 more days until I leave for Germany. See the picture on the right: thats the castle I will be staying in.

So what will I be doing in Germany? Well I'm doing this program called a DTS (discipleship training school). The organization it is through is called YWAM (youth with a mission) which is sorta like a training ground/launch for missionaries all around the world. "YWAM has a decentralized structure that encourages new vision and the exploration of new ways to change lives through training, convey the message of the gospel and care for those in need. We are currently operation in more than 1000 locations in over 180 countries, with a staff of over 18,000."

 The school I'm going to is called "Marriage of the Arts" and is directly themed at using the arts to communicate about world issues and God's heart for the broken and least of these. It has alot of initiatives going for helping those caught in the sex trade and suffering from great poverty.
Most people have some really cool story of why they chose the Ywam location they did, but for me Germany just seemed to be in line with all the passions/dreams I've had. Out of all the song's I've written my best and most complete ones come out of my cry for justice in this world, for those who have been given much to give to those who have been given little. If you wanna check more about it yourself see and

I never thought I would be going to a small town in rural Germany- or staying in a "water castle" but here I am! Plane tickets booked, got my visa and insurance and there's no turning back now! I've already started to chat with the people I will be schooling with online and it makes me so excited to meet them in person!
There are still a few things I am nervous about, and it seems that I still got alot of things to finish before I go- but I am really starting sense God's peace about the whole thing and get excited. I'm looking forward to watching God use my gifts in music to write new songs about his heart for world, and see where he leads me as I follow him willingly.

I hope you will journey with me as I take this big leap into the unknown- and surrender my security so His name and Love would be made known!


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