Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 3

Today I literally watched my life flash before my eyes. There is a huge wooden swing out in the forest and a bunch of us went exploring. I jumped a little too high when the swing reached its peak and fell 7 feet flat on my back while the giant swing swung over me. I couldn't breath for a couple minutes and was stuck under the swing for a few minutes until they could slow it down. So many things could have gone wrong but they didn't. I could have landed on my head or feet and broken bones or gotten concussions, I could have landed on something sharp and been impaled or paralyzed. If the swing had been a little lower I could have been knocked out or worse..But I know I'm meant to be here. I'm still a bit sore and my chest is tight from having the wind knocked out of me but I think I will recover pretty fast. This is a picture of the reactions of my new friends. Absolutely hilarious!

To be honest these past few days have been a bit hard to adjust. I miss my family and community of friends back home terribly and I don't exactly connect with everyone in the apartments I'm living in as well yet.

It just goes to show that I felt incredibly loved back home and incredibly loved each of you as well. Our first day of lecture starts tomorrow and I am excited. With all this hard stuff happening to me I have started to doubt whether this is where I am supposed to be.

But I believe God is in control and wants me here, and that's where I am. A part of me just wishes all this change didn't have to be so hard. Why does following God have to be so hard sometimes? I know the answer but it's never easy to accept it.

Anyways, I know the struggle and challenge will all be worth it and I hope to attest to that. I don't believe my purpose in this life is to be comfortable, happy, or indulgent all the time, but to make God known and hope in the eternal glory that will eventually greet me.

Tess :) 

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