Saturday, August 18, 2012


Tonight was my german themed going away party. Alot of people came and it got a bit squishy in my backyard but it was a good reminder that I am cared for and loved by those around me. I guess sometimes I look around and think- man I don't have enough friends, or they are not close enough but when I finally did something and invited them all I realized how many I actually have, and how blessed I am to have each and every one.

I'm excited to be going away, I really am, however I know this year has been a season of investment in these peoples lives- and I hope they bank it away for when I get back. After the tight community of bible college I came back into the real world of friends, schedules, and the inconvenience of seeing the same people every day. I had lost touch with my local community and found myself having to rebuild all my old friendships again and invest in some new ones. This time though, the friendships took work. They took really learning what it means to invest in someone and show interest in someone's life first. I know it will only get harder as life gets busier and I get settled down, but its been a valuable lesson to see the joy that comes from having close relationships and the fruit that comes from working on them.

I saw the picture (above) on pinterest and decided that would be my motto for making friendships in Germany. I am going to take the time to really learn about people and find ways to encourage them and show them I care first.

Laziness and Close Relationships do not live in harmony-This applies to any kind of relationship whether it be friendships, romantic, or parental. Both parties need to be willing to work for each other- and prove that the other is important to them by investing time and energy into trying to work things out. If one is not willing to work for the relationship -eventually the other party will tire out and give up.

I bet so many marriages fail for the very reason that one is too tired, busy, or stressed to invest. Eventually the relationship is just a second priority and when problems arise there is no real time to work things out. It becomes much easier just to walk away towards something more carefree or easy.

Anyways, If you are reading this please know I am very thankful to have you in my life. Leaving my friends here behind will be hard- I get attached so easily but I know the ones that care will be waiting for me when I'm back. I also know I can't neglect them when I am gone away either. When kylie went to New Zealand for 6 months and sent me a package from there for Christmas it meant the world to me. I want to be that kind of friend.


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