Monday, September 10, 2012

Updates Update Updates..

A week has gone past and I still haven't fully realized that this is gonna be my life for the next 6 months. I'm starting to get closer to some girls at the school and feel less lonely but I still miss my friends and community back home. You never know how good you have it till it's gone I guess..So some updates on my back- I went to see the doctor today and when he touched a part of it I started crying from the intensity of the pain. Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to get some x-rays. I really hope it's not seriously damaged because I was really looking forward to backpacking around Europe after my DTS.
Anyways- I'm starting to appreciate living at the apartments. Things are peaceful here when you just want to get away from the craziness of the castle and the girls here are really becoming community. Sometimes it gets frustrating because there is no piano to practice our music on here, and I just wish my parents could ship me my piano all the way from Canada. But I'm willing to stand my ground when it comes to equal practice times at the castle haha- there are about 22 people in our program and about half of them play piano. There is only one piano and one electric keyboard and only a few hours to practice during the day before our 8pm quiet hours start.  We will see how this goes!

Also another thing about Germany. Their chocolate is amazing! I have two jars, one is of this white chocolate macadamia butter and the other is a praline cream. MMMMMM...

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