Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I cracked my back!! AYIYI!!

So I went to the doctor yesterday and my back was x-rayed and examined. Then they sent me to another hospital to get a CT scan and found that one of the vertebrae in my spine was cracked. I don't know much as they mostly spoke through my translator but they told me that my bones would heal in about 4 weeks and I just need to lay low and not do anything strenuous or that requires bending. I'm in quite a bit of pain all the time though and am on 800mg tablets of ibuprofen. Things are harder and I'm forced to rely on others to help me carry stuff. But that's what real community is about, and I just need to accept that I can't be as independent as I usually am. Things at the DTS are good. I'm starting to get close to some friends and really feel like I'm part of this family. I went to Dresden on the weekend and it was so beautiful! I'm going to upload most of my pictures to facebook so you can see for yourself. There were giant picturesque building and museums, most of which were rebuilt after the war (I found out dresden was quite heavily bombed) and we sat and ate dinner in the middle of it all with a german guy in lederhosen playing accordian right next to us. It was heaven. 

Something I've been learning this week is to stop fearing what others think of me and just walk in simple obedience to God. Human's are all flawed and God's opinion matters more than theirs. I need to be confident in him and what he asks of me- it doesn't matter if I see the fruit of my obedience or not. I am not here for a temporary reward of pleasing man; the reward of pleasing God is eternal.

Thanks for all of your encouragements, updates, and posts. They are really keeping me going here in a foreign country where anyone close or anything familiar is a comfort I do not have. 

I have posted a whole bunch of photos on facebook if you want to check them out!

Love you and Miss you tons!  Tess :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tess, I ran into your family at Church this morning. I hope you are healing and getting over the pain. Glad to hear you are enjoying Germany and making new friends. It will all get easier and you will soon feel at home. Just keep trusting in God, he has a plan for you and a lot to teach you there. It is so amazing what you are doing. I pray that God will heal you and continue to work in your life over there and reveal his plan for you. God Bless You!

