Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Music Outreach. Off to Nurnburg tomorrow!!

We had our first music outreach last weekend. As we split off into groups my expectations for what the weekend might look like involved just playing some songs and smiling at people.
I was so far off.

We decided to go to Gorlitz, a city about a 30min drive away from Herrnhut.  It's not as small as Lobau or Zittau and is split between Germany and Poland which is really cool. The morning we left it had been really sunny but as we drove the clouds hung over us. Keila (my new spanish friend) said a quick prayer and when we arrived the sun came out again. We grabbed our instruments and planted ourselves in the middle of the city right by the busy train station. Propped up on Keila's guitar case was a cardboard sign written with the words "Free Music, Free Love, Free Prayers".  As we started to play it began to catch people's attention. I'm not gonna lie we sounded really good haha. People began to walk by and we had a couple folks drop money in the case but it wasn't till it started to rain that the real action began. The main covering area for the train station became a hub for people to avoid the rain and listen to our music. If not for the rain we probably wouldn't have met martin and his friends, a rough looking group of homeless young adults with beers in their hands.
As Tabea and Kevin (the two German's in our group) conversed with them and shared about what we were doing some of them left leaving behind martin who kindly offered to show us to the border of Poland. At first I was a little skeptical about going with him but I'm glad we did. As Tabea walked and talked with him he began to open up a bit about his rough past, how he got in trouble with the law, was unable to get a job, and was now stuck on the street with unstable friends who could leave him at any moment.

We continued conversation till it was time to say our goodbyes. We were all thinking about asking him to join us for coffee but no one asked. As he was walking away he got stopped by another MOTA student in perfect timing and we rushed up to ask him if he would like to come with us. He said yes.
As we sat down in the nearby cafe I could tell Tabea and Kevin were really getting in deep conversation with him.  A talk about what school we went to had led into talk about outreach which led into him asking about how to hear God's voice which led into Kevin and Tabea sharing their testimonies with him.

While Hannah and I didn't share much as we didn't speak German we both got impressions for him and I gave him a word about how God knew his struggles and what he'd been through and loved him regardless. He looked teary eyed after Tabea translated it for him. After we were finished  we invited him out to our critique night and while he said he would come but didn't, we still pray he encountered God's love even just a little bit during our time with him.
After being astonished by God's goodness we continued along our trip checking into a few cafe's to see if we could play there some time. In the first couple the manager was absent and we were given a card. We kept walking and finally stumbled upon this place with a giant beautiful garden/patio out back.  The owner was right there with her kids and we started conversation only to discover that she had been wanting musicians and artists to help her bring a new vibe to the cafe as she had only bought it 5 weeks ago.  We told her we would definitely be back and maybe bring some others along with us.  She seemed really interested in our school and we couldn't help thinking that this could be such a great opportunity for future MOTA concerts and events.
Well that's how our first mini mini outreach went. We were bursting with excitement and thankfulness for what he had accomplished and what he had in store for us still. We leave for 2 weeks to Nurnburg for our mini outreach this Sunday and I am so excited to tell you the stories of what will happen then.
Sorry this was so long- but I wanted to capture as much of it as I could.

 I miss you all. Tess :)

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