Saturday, November 24, 2012

Outreach is almost here!

Only 1 week before outreach to Nepal/India. Its approaching incredibly fast and I'm still in shock at how close it is. Things these past couple weeks have been a bit hectic with preparations and such, but God is giving me such a heart and vision for the people there that I am waiting in joyful anticipation. We had a meeting a couple weeks ago where two staff who had been there shared about their experiences. As they were talking I got this vision to write a narrative drama with music that could be narrated in Nepali (not sure what the language is actually called) to share about who Jesus was. This is gonna be a big task as I've never done something like this before at all- but maybe God will use me more to be a launching pad for others to help write this thing ( or at least I'm kinda hoping haha).
When I asked them about how to minister in Nepal/India they said that a question the people usually have is "Which God is stronger?" as they believe in many god's and may find it easy to just put Jesus in the category of just another little "g" god.  So in order to display his power God often performs many healings, and deliverances through the teams that go. Now I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm going to earnestly seek and believe he wants to do those things and even greater things through our team.
As far as I know what we are doing is working with a missionary family in the capital of Nepal. I have also overheard that we might be doing some work in the hill tribes, Himalaya's anyone? Then we head to India for 4 weeks to work with another missionary there.
If you want to support us in any way there are a few things that would be a huge blessing:

Prayers that we would be united as a team and be given wisdom and boldness to do what God is leading.

Prayer for finances for the members of the team who do not have their outreach portion yet.

Prayers for the missionaries/translators we will be working with- for vision, strength, and guidance

Prayers that God would be glorified in all we do above all else, that His love and power would be made known to the people there.

We also have a facebook group/newsletter you can follow for updates and pictures from our team along the way.  Just like this page and our feed will show up on yours :)

 If you have any questions about this trip or how you can support us feel free to email me.


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